Corporate Website Redesign

Redefining the Experience

Final Design

This is the layout that achieves what I was aiming for. Here is how I got here -

Final Outcome


  • Jr Designers: 3
  • Engineering Lead
  • CTO
  • Product Owner: 1
  • Lead Designer (me)

How I got here ?

Sometimes the simplest way is the best way.

Design Process

Here is the design process that I have followed. This is a project where a linear design process was followed. Everything by the book.

Final Outcome

Internal Usability Tests

Usability testing and only internal team validation process was used here. I did not ask any user any questions. I repeat I did not ask any users any questions.

Final Outcome

First Things First - The Sitemap

Sitemap!! Optimizing the sitemap for an easier navigation throughout the website. While focusing on conversion, I also doubled down on the lean UX principles to remove unnecessary design artifacts.

first things first

Interface & Content Layout - Spoiler alert! First attempt did not work

First layout testing did not go as planned. Some mistakes were made.

Content Layout

Take 2

Second attempt to find the perfect layout which is tested on the root level.

Take 2

Responsiveness & Accessibility

Ensuring everyone has the same experience no matter the device being used and their physical ability.

Take 2Take 2

Highlighted UI changes

Among other design decisions, these are some of the major UI changes that happened.