GetGenie AI

Your personal AI content writer

About the Project

Designed & Developed the front-end in JavaScript with the help of AntDesign framework. My primary focus was to ensure reusability and scalability of the components.

  • JavaScript
  • AntDesign
  • A.I
  • Content Generator


  • Engineering Lead
  • CTO
  • CEO
  • Sr Designer (me)

Final Design

After many trials and errors this is the final design that works. I have tried to explain the reasonings below why I made these design decisions.

GetGenie Final design


Building an AI product requires designers to balance technical complexity with user-friendly design, understanding their needs while leveraging AI capabilities effectively. It is a delicate dance, navigating between innovation and usability, refining iteratively to create products that resonate with users.

What I learned from the competition

I jumped straight into competitor analysis due to the constraint of not being able to spend much time on research. I just wanted to find out how the competitors are doing it. It gave me a direction. What the competitors did not have - 1.They were not offering dynamic experience to generate content, their experience was too linear. 2.Built in SEO optimization. 3. Greater control on the outcome. We found our Hooks. Time to design, test , evaluate and repeat.

competitor analysis

product UI stagesproduct UI stages